I turned up each week, authentically, real, fumbling at times, and my clients loved me for it.

I don’t have a super star story; I don’t have a tale of 10 paying clients 3 weeks after completing Foundation of Coaching Success

Nicky Thomas
Nicky ThomasAccredited Professional Coach

What I do have is a story of persistence, resilience and a willingness to keep going when all the signs seemed to point to the word STOP!

My story is more of a slow burn

I completed Meta Dynamics Practitioner in July 2013 after experiencing NLP through a business group I had joined. I joined TCI when it was going through the some major, unexpected change, and the way I saw this being handled by Sharon and the team made me even more certain I was in the right place and around the right people.

I went home worked with a few pro-bono clients and realised my NLP skills could be WAY more effective if I knew how to coach clients to the problem behind the problem.

I joined the ICG Credentialed Master Coach program and completed my Foundations Of Coaching Success weekend in NOV 2013.

After spending 8 years in a very structured environment (ARMY) and then moving into a very unstructured environment (MOTHERHOOD) I was a tangled mess.

Then I found The Coaching Institute

After reluctantly being diagnosed with PND after many attempts to work with different counsellors and psychologists. I pretty much gave up my fight against mediocrity.

“I now say, I wasn’t depressed, I was “Off Purpose” – living a life I thought I “should” live, because, you know… I was a Mother now. (my subconscious beliefs about that were the key to all growth)”

Nicky Thomas
Nicky ThomasAccredited Professional Coach

It also made me realise, that the new ICG Credentialed Master Coach level created by The Coaching Institute, gave me way more than a very expensive business coach would!

So it was time to make it happen.

I ran a social media campaign pre-selling my first ever online course, which I had titles and an outline for, but NO CONTENT!!  EEEEK

I spent every week (of the 8) filled with fear, there were many tears and much self-doubt. What if my students watched that week’s content and “found me out? What if they found out that I was spending the hours and minutes before launching the content each week, studying just one more thing because I don’t KNOW enough…. “What if I am not enough?”

What I found out was, I turned up each week, authentically, real, fumbling at times, and my clients loved me for it. In fact, every time I “failed” they thanked me for being human and transparent with them saying that it was even more confirmation that they’d picked the right coach.

I learnt SO much by saying YES and figuring out how. It was uncomfortable, but I learnt it.

If I didn’t have the support of the The Coaching Institute team behind me for the entirety of this journey, I would not have been able to do this. From the vast amount of content, we have access to, the mentoring calls with Matt in particular, and the 1:1 mindset coaching I received from fellow students.

And even more than that, until a few weeks ago,  I was not going to run my course EVER EVER again, until I heard Joe Pane say that he used to have to work hard on managing his mindset in his early days of running training as he felt like he was only a few steps ahead of his students.

This was a massive AAAAAAAHHHHAAAAA moment for me. That the feeling of being found out, the little sick feeling, is what all great coaches go through to become great coaches, along with the hard work and dedication.

Since getting over myself and getting really curious about how I can best serve, rather thinking “am I good enough”, I have signed on some amazing clients who have never questioned my price and continue to get massive value from the coaching, because I care more about their success than my fear.

“I took 2 long years to finally accept that leadership coaching for women is where I excel. My business “Nicky Thomas Action Strategies” has moved from infant to toddler with my online program “Defy Expectations” and I am about to combine all of my clients into an online community as I am coaching them all on my basic fundamentals.”

Nicky Thomas
Nicky ThomasAccredited Professional Coach

Identity – who are you?

Niche – Who do you Serve?

Polarity - What is unique about you?

Delivery – How do you get it to your market?

Self-leadership, knowing who you are, owning who you are, and getting uncomfortable are the 4 pillars that moved me from victim to victor in my own life (not just business) and is the foundation of all my work with the women I get to serve.

If you are a slow burner like I was, I hope this inspires you to take the next step!

Nicky Thomas
Nicky ThomasAccredited Professional Coach